


The internet speed is really slow, ah [Dream Story].

Title: The Internet speed is so slow [Dream Story]
Date: 2010-02-08 11:55:58

  • Powerless to comment
  • Dream Story
  • Indecisive
  • Towards Story
    ID: 58
    Alias: 20100208911

2022-06-12: So, on which day was this article actually written?

Last night, I dreamt about school again, repeating the same scenes many times:

Coming out of the classroom from fourth grade and going downstairs...

Then, I struggled to remember where I had put my bicycle...

In reality, I only started riding a bike in my sophomore year because the school expanded and I had to go to another school. Before that, I always walked to school...

I have never actually put my bike anywhere, so of course, I wouldn't "think" about where it was...

The end result was "seeing" a specific bike...

I rode it and went down the narrow, dilapidated, relatively long, and sloping street in front of the school...

When I reached the intersection with another road that could be called a crossroad, I crossed the traffic and turned left...

My house is on the west side of this road... It's less than 500 meters from the intersection, I think. I have a poor sense of distance...

More than ten times... Every time, the dream ended before I could see the front door of my house...

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