


Not all websites that cannot be logged in with an email are playing rogue [powerless to comment].

This is an old article, and it was brought up because I saw this post:

Do you remember which accounts you registered with your phone number? - Official Forum of Little Software

Z-BlogPHP 1.7 has been released ←← In the sense of a pun, the function of sorting by update time seems to be indefinitely postponed... Should I write it in the theme or something... It's troublesome...

Here are some of my new opinions. I really went off-topic back then:

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Mobile number costs 6 yuan to add one. The main number is China Unicom, but I still can't figure out which number I used to register on a certain website, so I try to log in with my email instead... [For those websites without an email login option, I really want to greet the product manager...]

When QQ login and Weibo login were just popularized, I had already registered with my email on a certain website, but when I found a QQ login button later, I clicked on it, and it threw a new account at me instead of guiding me to bind it to my existing email account...

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The ideal mechanism should be:

Email is always the primary account, supplemented by phone number verification. It should be convenient to change the phone number, even if the original number is lost.

Of course, requiring mandatory phone verification will make some people feel that the steps are cumbersome, so the product managers only mention the phone number during the registration process and completely ignore the email... Although it can be done after logging in, it becomes cumbersome for me, kora...

Even if you add an optional checkbox:

[] I want to verify my email at the same time.

I can check it myself and proceed...

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Currently, I don't have a phone to use (see image: http://t.qq.com/p/t/408700035514560)...

I found that JD.com also added account login through partnerships, but when I logged in with QQ, it turned out to create a new account. It's really... in the QQ Connect era...

Firefox has been upgraded to 29, and then... I won't complain about the interface anymore... ADBlock+ stopped working for no reason, so I deleted the configuration. When I tried to restore the data, I found that FireFox Sync couldn't connect anymore after being disconnected, and I needed to register a new account. Well, at least I can finally log in with my email... and I don't need to sync the key anymore...

Baidu launched a 2014 website mobileization competition, and then I found that the links in sitemap_wap.xml were all wrong... I modified the Sitemap plugin myself... and added the relationship between the PC page and the mobile page (see the "Site Map" at the bottom of the page)...

Two ASP functions —— LCase: convert to lowercase, UCase: convert to uppercase.

Z-Blog's wap.asp and zb_system\WAP folder are no longer necessary... It seems that the retrieval of objArticle.WapUrl should also be upgraded...

Tencent has already discontinued the OAuth 1.0 protocol... However, I'm too lazy to upgrade the SDK...

I want to try the mobile version of the WP system, but there's the problem of TD and WCDMA... When can number portability be implemented...

If the website space has allocated subdomains or third-level domains, remember to set up a 301 redirect... It seems that there are quite a few inclusions —【Memo】Setting up a Redirect (301) in web.config

That's it...

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