


Incomprehensible rambling "powerless to comment"

Late at night, in the classroom, alone.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really."

"Let's go!"

"Where to?"


As always, yes, the first word that came to mind when I started the part below the separator.

After 20 minutes, I finally turned on the lights, turned on the 3G router, reached for my phone, and in the interval when my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I thought it was quite challenging for me to meet the word count. X Then, out of habit, I opened QQ and took a look. Y I opened the browser and logged into the blog. It seemed like the first time I logged into the PAD backend with version 2.x. I realized that I couldn't automatically generate an alias, and coincidentally, I had an article that I planned to recycle the alias for. However, it seemed that PAD couldn't manage drafts.

I switched to the computer version of the backend, published the draft, and then switched back to open that article. After getting used to typing on my phone, I wrote the part above the separator.

After typing the separator, I took several deep breaths. I got up to go to the bathroom, boiled water in the electric kettle, and lay back on the bed. Finally, I wrote "As always".

I originally planned to add a marker after X and Y (in this paragraph) to write down my thoughts at the time. Naturally and quickly, I realized that I had forgotten my thoughts at the time, so I decided to write it like this around position N. I confirmed it again at position L and inserted those four letters at the beginning of this paragraph. I stopped at the second L to imagine the following paragraphs and planned to add another marker, but I found it a bit confusing and gave up. I continued writing and immediately realized that I could use "the second L". Damn it, did you really understand what it means to not be able to stop before?

It has been nearly two hours since I finished writing the previous paragraph and turned off the lights. When I went to the bathroom for the second time and closed the door in the bedroom, I remembered to pour the boiled water into the thermos... This period of time has been enough to make these last few paragraphs unrecognizable. The technical issues that occurred during the several interruptions and saves can only be fixed when I log in to the computer. Finally, I decided to continue writing when it's daylight. The first hour and the initial 20 minutes were spent lying in the dark, the perfect time for daydreaming... I wanted to bring the topic back to the part below the separator... It seems that it's no longer suitable to continue recording the details... I read a short science fiction story before getting up... It has been about an hour and a half since I turned on the computer and typed this character again. This chaos is different from the brief struggles on Weibo or QQ groups...

It sounds like I really care about transitions. I always plan to write this kind of rambling... but I always procrastinate, to the point where expressing this procrastination itself becomes part of the expression.

"Ramblings can be about anything before they are written, but after they are written, they can only be the words and sentences in front of you." - Another result of procrastination - excerpt from the previous ramblings, it has been... um... almost two months since then... "Powerless to Comment" was not originally the content of this title, I can't remember the old idea anymore, and I can't come up with a new idea for the title for a while - I'm really bad at this kind of thing...

Fortunately, the part before the separator is the same as when it was first formed. ←←← This sentence should have been the first sentence below the separator, but when I hesitated between using "not really good" or "very bad" - actually, this kind of time point doesn't really exist, right? - the change began...

As for those contents that I still keep, or rather conceal, or rather don't have the energy to continue writing, or rather can't avoid...


--Unnecessary Ramblings【Powerless to Comment】--

--Powerless to Comment--

--Say Something--

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