


2019, another beginning and ending of a decade. [Say something]

The original link to this article is as follows:

2019, Another Beginning and End of a Decade [Say Something]


83 + 75 + 34

Data on the number of IP visits for three websites in Baidu's website statistics feature.

In terms of my ID card, today is my 30th birthday.

And it's also around 2009 when I started messing around with my own website. An independent blog is also a type of website, and there's absolutely no problem with that, hmm.

From a point in time that I myself can't possibly remember, the description of this blog was changed to "Anxin Jujie_Anxin Boring". However, now that I think about it, I rarely feel bored except when there's a power outage or internet disconnection.

So, with that being said... Originally, I only wrote two paragraphs, but before the content of the paragraph where the cursor is currently located is determined, I went back and inserted another paragraph. As a result, the content that was originally supposed to be the third paragraph became the fourth paragraph, and the content was temporarily determined like this...

As for using punctuation marks together, although I deliberately tried to avoid it today, it doesn't really matter, right?

Although I can give a clear reason for choosing [Say Something] instead of [Random Thoughts], the things I write still don't seem to have any difference. Although it may also be something that doesn't matter.

It seems that it's not possible to clearly choose between HTML editor and MD editor.

Text is a carrier of information, but what kind of information does the above content really want to convey? Or can it really explain more than the seemingly simple word "jujie" (meaning "entangled")?

"Being entangled is common, but being at peace is hard to come by."

What will the parallel universe version of me write in response to this article?

It can be clearly said that ending like this doesn't seem good, and there should always be an ending for each. So, there's no "so"...

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.