


"Ubuntu Notes" The ultimately unused Lubuntu


Not counting the subsequent events, I bought a second-hand Surface Pro 4, but it had issues (screen flickering), so I bought an official refurbished Surface Pro 7. I completely abandoned the Asus F81se and kept the Asus X555LI with a solid-state drive at home...

Before switching to a solid-state drive, I tried installing Deepin and Linux Mint, but ended up switching back to Win10.

I had a good impression of Mint, but with Deepin, even though it comes with Wine and Android support, the shortcut for switching input methods became invalid after modification, which was ridiculous...

After that, I got a NUC4 as a download machine, also using Win10. Turns out the WankCloud was not enough...


alt + space brings up the current window menu, then press the corresponding key after releasing:

alt + space d: Hide/Show decorations (title bar)

alt + space n: Minimize

alt + space x: Maximize

ctrl + space: Activate input method (became invalid after modification, not sure why)

ctrl + alt + t: Command line (terminal)

Terminal Commands#

# Install or update Wubi input method

sudo apt-get install fcitx-table-wubi

# Check disk space

df -hl

Boot Configuration Modification#

# Corresponding file is /etc/default/grub

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi=off noapic nolapic locale=zh_CN irqpoll"

cd /etc/default

# Add write permissions
sudo chmod a+w grub

# Restore permissions
sudo chmod o-w grub
sudo chmod g-w grub

# Apply modifications
sudo update-grub

This can be considered as a follow-up to the article "A Lightweight Code Editor?."

Not long ago, I replaced the hard drive on my main laptop and installed the old hard drive on my old laptop, hoping to meet some basic usage needs. Win7 + VSCode can still be used, but it's a bit of a stretch. The most important thing is that if I temporarily leave the system and put it into hibernation, it can't be properly awakened when I come back Orz

In the previous article, I mentioned that I initially wanted to install Deepin as a full installation, but it didn't work out. Shortly after installing Win7, I happened to learn about the existence of Lubuntu:

Lubuntu is a variant of Ubuntu that is fast, lightweight, and energy-saving. It uses the LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment) desktop. It is designed for low-resource systems and is primarily intended for netbooks, mobile devices, and older personal computers.

Life always has those inappropriate opportunities, so I ended up dual-booting by partitioning the drive and went through some struggles to get it installed...

I couldn't install the latest version, but the LTS version worked. It turns out that Deepin doesn't have an LTS version...

In terms of performance, it is indeed smooth, but in terms of functionality and habits, I don't see any reason to stick with it when there are other options available...

In the end, I took the hard drive out and put it in an enclosure to use as an external hard drive... I didn't touch the partitions, so I should still be able to boot into the system using USB???

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