


"Shuishui," who still can't find their own position to speak

I have open-sourced several code repositories below. Let's not talk about ASP not being updated for now, I also feel conflicted about the PHP version of the theme.

"I can achieve many things, but why should I do it?"

A few days ago, I finally decided to make the theme's functionality a bit more "complex", but the budget for "determination" quickly ran out.

[[So, does the "Speaking" tag often go off-topic??]]

Group Name: Water Water's Refund Affairs Group;

Group Number: 576621997

Group Link: https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=206MVPCP

Note: For other applications under my name that were originally charged and later made free or removed from the market, you can also join the group to discuss refunds; (The actual amount paid is not less than ¥13.7)

[[Speaking of which, I even bought an NTFS read-write software for the Apple system, and other things like a bunch of Steam games are just gathering dust!!]]

For users who have paid for the following three themes, refunds or compensation will be provided based on their respective situations:

Pinch It Academy at the Super ZB Level - Z-Blog Application Center: https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=18112

↑ The latest one, with relatively few purchases, can be fully refunded!↑

Is this Salted Fish? (Temporary) - Z-Blog Application Center: https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=2235#tab-comment

↑ For orders with an actual amount greater than ¥13.7, 75% can be refunded!↑

An Unscientific ACG-oriented Theme - Z-Blog Application Center: https://app.zblogcn.com/?id=1798

↑ This theme will continue to be charged in the application center, but it can be downloaded for free through the Git repository. For purchases made before 2021-04-03 with an actual amount greater than ¥13.7, 50% can be refunded!↑

ZBP_THEME: Z-Blog PHP Theme:


ASP_PLUGIN: Z-Blog ASP Plugin:


ASP_THEME : Z-Blog ASP Theme:


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