


"The 'Minor' Python Docker image has been updated."


I always forget to set aText to start up automatically.jpg


This article was written using VSCode and published to Z-BlogPHP using an API. For specific implementation details, see the project below;

wdssmq/Markdown-To-Z-Blog: Update Z-Blog with Markdown using GitHub Actions. #md2zb:

A few days ago, when writing another article, I found that the API publication failed; "Talking about base64 encoding_computer network_沉冰浮水"

The Actions log reported an error: Python 3.7 was not found on your system...;

The API publication is implemented using Python and triggered using the VaultVulp/action-pipenv action library;

"- By the way, what is the Chinese translation of 'Github Actions'? -"

The Python version requirements and dependencies are written in the "Pipfile" file.

url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

build = "python api.py"

markdown = "3.3.4"
requests = "2.26.0"
python-frontmatter = "1.0.0"

python_version = "3.9"

Initially, python_version = "3.7" was used, and since it worked, it wasn't changed. But now it doesn't work anymore, so theoretically, it should be able to be directly python_version = "3.*";


It was August 18th at the time, and today is the 20th...

These past few days, I found that the Bilibili-related RSS feeds haven't been updated because various RSSHub instances keep going down. So I used GitHub Actions to create a "multi-instance reverse proxy" as well--

wdssmq/proxy_rsshub: Reverse proxy RSSHub using GitHub Actions + multiple instances polling:

"- Actually, for this project, YAML is more suitable as a configuration item than JSON, right? -"

And today, I finally took a look at the records and sure enough, it was down, and then I realized that the "Pipfile" here also needs to be changed; "Actions · wdssmq/proxy_rsshub"


The root cause of this issue;

VaultVulp/action-pipenv essentially maps the workspace files into a Docker container for processing, and the image used is built on-site, with the Dockerfile defining the use of the major version number of python:3 by default;


And on the 18th, the corresponding dependency image was updated--"python Tags | Docker Hub";

"- By the way, is this 'official image' referring to 'DockerHub official' or 'Python official'? -"

"- Strictly speaking, it doesn't feel like I've gained any experience or lessons learned.jpg -"

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