


"GM_Script" qBittorrent Batch Modify Torrent Tracker

title: "GM Script" qBittorrent Batch Modify Torrent Tracker
date: 2021-08-31 23:20:11

  • GM Script
  • BT
  • Tracker
  • JavaScript
  • Computer Network
    id: 2925
    alias: 20191117777

Starting from version 4.2.0, qBittorrent finally added this feature.

I still find it difficult to understand what others write about front-end development. I don't know when I will be able to master a more efficient approach. Although the main problem I encountered this time was how to create a pop-up layer in qBit's WebUI to add my own functionality, I initially wanted to create a layer that could be used on other websites as well, but it was not successful. I ended up using the built-in implementation...

qBittorrent has quite a few shortcomings, and after switching from uTorrent when the ad authorization expired, I sometimes think about switching back...

As for batch replacing trackers, there is a Web API for that:

Web API Documentation · qbittorrent/qBittorrent Wiki

There are some tools and tutorials online, but even with the API approach, they use methods outside of the browser environment to perform HTTP requests, and authentication needs to be considered separately. I can't say that I don't understand, but I can't help but sigh - demands, abilities, willingness, perspectives - people are indeed different...

---- Strictly speaking, the main focus of this article is the following part ----


Script release address:

qBittorrent Management Script "QQ Group: 189574683"
[https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/391688](https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/391688 "qBittorrent Management Script "QQ Group: 189574683")


The effect and default application's "URL" can be seen in the figure below. For non-default URLs, you can add "User Matching" yourself.

Script Effect

"Hardcore" Technology Part 2: Arm Your Browser with "Tampermonkey Script"_Computer Network_Ice and Water

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