


[True Ramblings] 2021/07/12 ~ 2021/07/18

title: [True Rant] 2021/07/12 ~ 2021/07/18
date: 2021-07-19 19:01:00

  • Rant
  • Miscellaneous
  • Indecisive
  • Miscellaneous
    id: 3123
    alias: 20210610060

2021-07-12 09:01#

Realized that I haven't realized that I've entered the "Three-Body Person Time" for a while.

2021-07-13 08:19#

When you decide to solve a problem with regular expressions, then you will face two problems.

2021-07-13 17:36#

"Microsoft has carefully examined and confirmed that a small number of Surface Pro 4 devices have screen flickering or garbled text issues that cannot be resolved through firmware or driver updates. In order to provide support to customers affected by this issue, we will repair free of charge Surface Pro 4 devices that were purchased within three years and meet the conditions. Microsoft's introduction of this process does not mean that Microsoft acknowledges this as a design flaw, but rather to protect the interests of customers who encounter this problem. Therefore, as long as your device meets this process, we will actively provide warranty service. For devices that are out of warranty, only paid factory repairs are available."

2021-07-13 18:23#

Microsoft's customer service is also very slow. To summarize, the official attitude is that if it's out of warranty, they won't repair it, or you can pay over 3000 for official repair... They will take note of the request for free repair, but there is no guarantee of success. However, you can just give this response directly, no need to ask about the attempts made to solve the encountered problem, the product model is here, and the malfunction is here...

2021-07-14 17:07#

Website traffic and such still haven't improved; this time it really dragged on until Wednesday; and then, the Z-BlogPHP syntax highlighting also caused problems;

2021-07-14 17:28#

Whether I can fall asleep at noon is also a probability event... I'm so sleepy.

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