I have a really crappy VPS that can't install Docker, and LNMP feels hopeless too, so I decided to install Caddy and play around with hugo or hexo.
The environment is Ubuntu 18.04, connected remotely using VSCode.
All the installation script links in various Chinese tutorials are broken, and the configuration instructions are even worse than Z-BlogPHP's documentation.
As expected, I had to refer to the official English documentation:
← It actually opened while I was writing this tutorial. I tested it with hugo and it automatically configures SSL, which is pretty cool.
"AD: Various VPS recommendations"
curl -sS | bash
Install — Caddy Documentation
Hello Caddy#
cd ~
mkdir caddy
# code is the command to edit files within VSCode;
code ~/caddy/Caddyfile
respond "Hello, world!"
# caddy command needs to be executed in the same directory, unless the Caddyfile path is specified;
cd ~/caddy
# use adppt to update after modifying Caddyfile
caddy adapt
# start the service
caddy run
Running in the Background#
# run in the background
caddy start
# restart, adapt will be executed automatically
caddy reload
# stop
caddy stop
Caddyfile Configuration#
After modification, caddy reload
is required;
Create an index.html in the same directory as the Caddyfile, and modify the content of the configuration file:
# file_server browse # display files in the folder when index file does not exist
Specify the root directory and domain name, etc.;
root * /root/wwwroot/
encode zstd gzip
Enable multiple service listeners;
can also be replaced with a specific domain name;
After that, write the root, file_server, and other attributes inside curly braces;
localhost {
respond "Hello, world!"
localhost:2016 {
respond "Goodbye, world!"
file_server (Caddyfile directive) — Caddy Documentation:
Caddyfile Tutorial — Caddy Documentation: