


"Indecisive" about those seemingly powerful browser extensions.

Some Keyboard Shortcuts Memo#

Apart from Ctrl + c/v, the most noticeable keyboard shortcut is probably the screenshot feature of QQ/TIM —— Ctrl + Alt + a;

However, the biggest problem is that it cannot capture the right-click menu; pressing the Alt key cancels all right-click menus;

Using PrintScreen or Win + PrintScreen can capture the right-click menu, but it captures the entire screen;

"Note: The former is for capturing and pasting, while the latter is saved in the user's Pictures\Screenshots folder."

There is also Alt + PrintScreen to capture the current program window, but it includes the Alt key; "Writing to the clipboard, it seems that there is no shortcut to capture and save the current window."

Finally, there is a shortcut Win + Shift + s, which preserves the right-click menu and allows for selection, window or full-screen, although it cannot be edited;


Windows 10 built-in screenshot shortcuts - Zhihu:


Edge's "Code Snippets" Feature#

So the previous section was for this screenshot:

I saw a browser with this feature somewhere before, but I forgot where the entrance was;

For more specific information, refer to the official documentation:

Run JavaScript code snippets on any webpage - Microsoft Edge Development | Microsoft Docs:


And this browser extension seems to achieve synchronization:

Snippets - Chrome Web Store:


Browser Extensions That I Occasionally Use or Think I Can Use#

The fact is, I don't seem to need this built-in code snippet feature of the browser at all;

And also these below;

Modifying the page's encoding, it seems like I haven't used it for a long time, usually it's turned off;

Charset - Microsoft Edge Addons:


Modifying the browser's user agent, let's keep it for now;

User-Agent Switcher and Manager - Microsoft Edge Addons:


It doesn't seem suitable for me, uninstalling it;

Little Shu - Bookmark-based New Tab - Microsoft Edge Addons:


Recently installed, let's try it for a while;

Tab Groups - Microsoft Edge Addons:


The positive effect experience is seriously lacking;

Microsoft Editor: Spelling and Grammar Checker - Microsoft Edge Addons:


Add annotations to any webpage;

Hypothesis - Web & PDF Annotation - Chrome Web Store:


Send links and other things to your own account, then view and retrieve them elsewhere, let's delete it;

Pushbullet - Chrome Web Store:


Scan your own bookmarked URLs from time to time and clean up those that cannot be opened; if it can't be opened, just delete it, so why bother bookmarking it?

Quick Bookmark Cleaner - Chrome Web Store:


Bring Flash back to the internet; by the way, I don't really play 4399 or anything, but I think this thing is cool;

Ruffle - Chrome Web Store:


Nowadays, there aren't so many websites that need custom styles, and Greasy Fork seems to be able to publish styles as well, but I haven't used it yet;

Stylus - Chrome Web Store:


The author claims to have a super large number of bookmarks, thousands or even tens of thousands;

I personally think it's better to be more restrained, or separate "bookmarks" and "footprints", and the latter can be added and sent like Weibo;

Bookmark Manager Plus - Chrome Web Store:



So this article is like a "footprint" record, listing various plugins and then deleting those that are not really useful;

Let's have a code snippet that can copy the URL of the Chrome or Edge store with the title included;

"GM_Script" cannot be used on these two sites;

(function () {
    "use strict";
    function $n(e) {
        return document.querySelector(e);
    function $na(e) {
        return document.querySelectorAll(e);
    function fnGetInfo(md = false) {
        let url = document.location.href.replace("?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg", "");
        url = url.replace("?from=manga_person", "");
        let title = document.title.trim();
        title = title.replace(/^(.+吧-百度贴吧)--.+/, "$1");
        if (md) {
            title = title.replace(/([_\[\]])/g, "\\$1");
        if (location.host == "greasyfork.org") {
            url = url.replace(/(\/\d+)-.+/, "$1");
        return [title, url];

    const [title, url] = fnGetInfo(true);

    prompt('Copy',`> ${title}:\n> \n> [${url}](${url} "${title}")`);

What's the difference between Addons and Extensions?

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